Nothing beats the classics
The new seating arrangement has been assigned and I'm seated by this very adorable girl who smells like nerds, Anna ♥
She also like the Beatles but I love them more. She's a lunatic when it comes to Les Miserables. I'm the only one she could talk to when it comes to this topic. I can't really concentrate with her terrible singing which is annoyingly out of tune ( I'm messing with yah, you know that I love you). To shut her up, The only thing I could do is sing with her and finish the song.
Singing the same songs over and over again gets me to like Les Miserables too! I've been listening to them all day long. I somehow memorize some lyrics. (thanks for the infection, Anna!). Well, nothing beats the classics.

I watched DVDs of this musical and I was psyched to hear that they've made a movie of this. Me and Anna are going, obviously.
Les Miserables is not the only Broadway musical that I love. When I was in grade three, I was obsessed with "Cats". I would put on makeup to look like them, memorize their dances and play the DVD for the Nth time. The DVD got broken because of me, this didn't stop my obsession. When I heard that they were going to have a musical of that in Manila, I pulled my mom's leg everyday to take me there. She gave me a hard decision between watching or going to the States, I chose to travel.

I also loved the Mary Poppins Broadway I saw in NY. I memorized Supercali lyrics by heart.

My mom already bought about four DVD's of the sound of music since we have been watching this musical at least twice a year. Nice always explains that if never ever watched the Sound of Music, your childhood is very incomplete.

Feel old yet?
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