Today is: Colorful
The sun is shining ...

Remember that DIY inspiration thing I posted that of the miniature easel thing? Well, Erl bought me two of that yesterday (as a "gift" for doing his Finn hat ) and I am quite unsure how to do about with it. I don't know how to attach a photo to its canvas and I don't know what material to use when painting on it. I need your help, ( I'm referring to you Gell, my artistically awesome pal ^_^ ) I need you to comment if you have any idea how to do so.

These canvasses are dull and colorless, I need someone to help me fill it.
We received our class shirts yesterday (FINALLY!) and I am not that happy with the results. The design is great , the colors are not so pretty and the printing... it ruined my day. Don't get me wrong, the printing isn't that bad, it's just there are few mistakes like Mathew not having an eye or Stacey's name becoming "Staley" or Cheska's head being separated from its body. The bad side is that my classmates are blaming ME for these errors. One said that Cheska's head looks like a mannequin chopped off its body. Another said that something is "missing".
They shouldn't really put the blame on me since I wasn't the one who made the freaking stencil. I worked really hard on this and what do I get? Violent, very violent reactions.

(c) Daniella Agacer :)
I really wanted to make my own collar necklaces for my plain shirts.I've been searching patterns for collars but there's non so I'm just gonna wing it.

I used extra felt , fiber fillings , scissors and markers for my collar. I just made my own pattern since the internet has non.

The results? Yet to see...