Palancas for the Seniors


This entry should've been posted earlier since I've taken these photos a week ago. Heck, I'm going to post this anyway since I want you all to drool over the breathtaking palancas I made for the seniors. Yes, I want your mouth to be dripping with saliva when you're done reading this. 

By the time you read the title you would probably say, " What is a palanca?" or "What daw?" or "Plank what?". Now by the second time, you would be getting a dictionary and start flipping the pages until you would reach the letter P

 Skip all of that! A palanca is simply a letter ( or is it? ) . We , Assumptionistas, usually write these palancas for the seniors who would be having their immersion .  I made my first batch last week. Take a look at these fancy palancas I made.

I wanted the palancas to have that vintage feel so I sincerely wrote an ego-boosting letter on a red paper using a silver pen . I then slipped it in a brown envelope, together with some trappings like stickers or pictures. I sealed the envelope with some ribbons and tapes with some melted wax over.

I really love the flair that the melted wax gives. I really think it's the pinnacle of the whole thing ( I mean, next to the letter itself ) since the texture and the design is quite captivating. If I would be given the chance to scratch the wax seal the whole day I would really love to but I have few important things to do. 

Getting back, once you touch the wax, you would start to get addicted to it. So smooth yet so rough ( what am I saying? ) . The wax would be kind of distracting too since you might not want to break it since it's just sooooo delicate, by breaking it that would mean not opening the envelope too. 

When you receive a letter like this, I suggest that the first thing you do is to stare at it for a long time and appreciate it ( or just scratch and sniff the letter if it includes one).

XO, Gerone

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