February Wishlist (Shorty)

It's February! Do you know what that means? Love, PDA, chocolates, roses, PDA.Oh, did I mention PDA ? (eck)

But seriously, February is a great month! It isn't just for couples. People who aren't in a relationship like you and you're friends could enjoy it too! Don't hate, appreciate *thumbs up*.

As you can see I am really having a hard time posting regularly. I'm still stuck with "shorties" (no, shorties aren't me and my friends... sheesh). I hope you're not tired of reading these irksome posts of mine.

I know what you're thinking. "Hey! That's some awesome edits she got there! What font is she using?". Uh... No... You see, I get a lot of those questions. "What font is thaaaat?" or "Where could I download that font?" 

(Oh my gosh... I just had a conversation with myself *gasps*)

It isn't a font, silly. It's MY handwriting. I mean, is my handwriting really that good? HAHAHA

moving on

February is a great time to be sweet. By sweet I mean sugar, chocolates, candies and diabetes. It would be great to receive some sweet treats (or buy 'em if you're going solo like me! Be proud!).

1. I've been scouting for these and still no sign of them. These Andes mint chocolates are to die for! *drools*

2. Pixi Stixs are good but Giant Pixi sticks are waaaay better!

3. The last time I had these Necco chocolate wafers was when I was in grade six. I could still taste 'em. They're just sooo good.

4. I'm known for being a huge fan of Nerds.(I ain't one though) My best friend Kirstie never gets tired of giving me this huge box of rainbow Nerds. But sorry twin, Nerds are too stale. But this big boy isn't! Nerds rope. I think this is the real definition of love. ♥_♥

1. This Bath and Body Works scented candles would make my room smell like a pastry shop. Yum!

2. This cute iPad case would definitely be a keeper. It's in coral too! One of my favorite hues. It says so here.

3. A great home for my pens. 

4. Cute and stylish! This would definitely be a great bag for my iPad. 

XO, Gerone

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