DIY Ombre shirt


Surprise surprise! It's been a while since I had a DIY post. I'm not done with my vacation posts yet but I'll be posting 'em next time. I don't post that often anymore but I promise to post more once I get my touch back. 

You would see a lot of teenagers dip dyeing their hair to achieve that "ombre" effect. It's kinda like a trend these days. People would wear ombre shorts, shirts and pants as well. This DIY tutorial of mine will teach you how to achieve that "ombre" effect on your clothes. It's pretty easy! Once you get the hang of it, you would want to dip dye everything you find in your closet.

You'll need:

  • Clip hanger
  • Plain white tee (or a pair of plain white pants/shorts)
  • About 3 tablespoons of salt 
  • 3 packs of fabric dye (I used the powder ones)
  • A bucket (or a container huge enough for you to dip your shirt in)
  • Boiling water (ask an adult to help you with this)


  1. Clip your shirt to the hanger. Clip the part that you want to leave white. 
  2. Wet the shirt up to the part where you want your dye to reach. Wring your shirt to get rid of the excess water. You want your shirt damp, not soaking.
  3. Hang it while you prepare your dye mixture.
  4. Pour boiling water inside a bucket. The more boiling water you have, the lighter the color will be.
  5. Pour in your first dye pack. 
  6. Add a tablespoon of salt.
  7. Dip your shirt in using your hanger as the handle. Dip it in until the color reaches up to the part where you want the color will end.
  8. Add your second pack in. Pour another tablespoon of salt. Mix them well.
  9. Dip your shirt back in.This time, you want the color to reach halfway.
  10. You would notice that the color became darker. It should start looking "ombre".
  11. Add your last pack with another tablespoon of salt. Mix them well. 
  12. Dip your shirt back in. Make sure to dip only the top part leaving the rest above the mixture.
  13. Lift your shirt out of the bucket and place it in a sink (I did this in our laundry room since the dye might stain). Rinse your shirt. Avoid wringing it so the color would stay. Rinse it until the water is clear.
  14. Let it dry. 
  15. WORK IT! Let the world gaze at your masterpiece!

You could get creative with this technique. You could dye your clothes in different colors and in different areas. I did another shirt in blue. I dyed it starting from the bottom. This is a fun project that you could whip out with your friends. It's easy and the materials are not that hard to find (not to mention cheap too).



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