
First of all, I know some of you are pretty mad at me right now. Yeah, I'm kind of mad at myself too! I kept on promising myself to update my blog for the past weeks but I couldn't for some reasons. I have been feeling glum for a couple of weeks for no reason at all. I don't really know. I need someone to talk to (no, not a psychologist but a friend).  I kind of feel like my blog is abandoned or something. I'm pretty stressed out 'cause most of my readers are gone *sighs*. My beeeeyootiful readers from last year are gooone *punches pillow and cries*. But anyways, I DID promise myself to blog until I die (yes, I did). 

I really felt like closing this blog down but I couldn't. First, because this is my Journalism homework. Second, there are still some of you left and I don't want to fail you *insert "awwww"

Going back! You guys missed a lot... A LOOOOT! Hey! Don't blame me! The exams have been stopping me from posting (HA!) 

THIS IS SO SAAAD! So many wasted photos. :((( 

I'm kind of happy that I didn't post an entry about last last last week's Open House. Don't get me wrong! Open House was a bit fun. A BIT. To tell you honestly, it was boring. The school was empty. The afternoon part was 'okay' though. You see, I found a new friend (or future prom date maybe--- eh? eh?). This is Rene, Kirstie's little brother. He likes Adventure Time (YAAAAAY). 

*clears throat*

Me: Hi! Do you like Adventure time?
Rene: Yes yes yes!
Me: *pauses*  Let's talk.... OMG I LOVE ADVENTURE TIME TOO! Lumpy space princess yaaaaaay!
Rene: Yeaahhh...
Me: I know! During prom, I'll dress as LSP and you dress as B-MO! Is that a deal?
Rene: Sure!
Me: I feel so haaapppy (weeps inside because of hopelessness huehuehuehue) 

---and that's how our friendship started--

BUT! The prom date part was a joke though. Pssshh! Prom? I ain't going. Nuh -uh (uuuuuuuhuhu)


We also had a 'Boys and Girls week parade'. I have no pictures to show you because I didn't bring a camera with me (BOO). There's one word to describe it though... PANDEMONIUM.

No, not that pandemonium

This kind of pandemonium. I know what you're thinking. Don't ask me, just keep on reading. Nothing to see here but three pieces of pandemonium (I can't stop laughing).

If you were wondering why my blog looked so different then wonder no more. I just did a few changes. Oh and yes, that is my handwriting. Beautiful isn't it? (hahaha. okay.)

That's all folks! Thank you for wasting your time on reading my senseless post. Buh-bye!

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