Yesterday was splendid! 

We had our friendship games yesterday. We invited different schools (I don't know, sister schools?) like ASEC, SRA, and Assumption Passi. We had different games from basketball to badminton. I wasn't allowed to play badminton *sighs* but my brother was. He won gold (just sayin'). Well, I am proud *hair flip*.  Since I didn't play, I took pictures instead. Yes, I just love taking pictures. Here are some of the photos I took.

You see, this is why I love taking pictures. You get to capture the moment and review it (that was deep). So whenever you see me holding my camera just smile. You will thank me later. Who know, right? I might be the reason for your next profile picture *wink*.
We were inside our classrooms the whole morning. We got so bored that we decided to play 'Langit Lupa'. Hahaha. It was really fun. I got bruises because of it. 

We went out of the classroom since we were too tired. We decided to watch the games instead. The seniors did a pretty good job at cheering. They came prepared. Trust me. I was there to witness (I sound like Sir Gerano).

We were always behind the camera, so we decided to take a few 'selfies' (FEW).

***WARNING: I intentionally rotated the photos. If you want to see them,  you are free to do a handstand. Thank you. Oh! And, mind your head. ***



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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im pretty kung upside down

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