
I know, I know. The heart thingy is just too gay. Just scroll down. 


There! The picture is out of the way! You're welcome.

This post is very short (duh! Shorty nga diba?) and dull. I guess you could click out if you want but if you choose to stay... well then, thank you *hugs* (you should hug the screen too !).

Anyway! Here are some doodles I made last week. I won't say anything about 'em. Just... stare.

My seatmate kept on telling me to draw sceneries so I did. Ta-da!

The creativity button inside my brain went cuckoo. I lack ideas. I love drawing but it seems like my doodles make no sense. I would love it if you guys would give me suggestions on what to draw. I am very open to suggestions. HAHAHA. Well, kinda. Just approach me or whatever. 


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