 Hey there, person! Welcome back to my blog! I haven't posted anything lately but since I love you all, I'm going to do a sorta-recap-ish post. Aight! Let's get to it, shall we? *raises eyebrows*
 Aha yes! The campaign period. 'Twas really stressful. Brainstorming, platform thingy, buying of materials and all those serious stuff. Other than that, it was fun. I really enjoyed all the meetings and all the dance practices.I wanted to share the "Selfie" video to you guys but I don't have the direct link that you could all open. Woops!  (Awesome shots from Frank Gorriceta. Thank you, Frank!)
 This is where all the "High-school" drama comes in. We, the Juniors, had our cheer-dance last week. I gotta tell you though, the preparation was tough. I think my inner Cruella de Vil went bonkers and went for a visit. Ehe- whoops. I'm really sorry for being all mean. I'm so sorry for rolling my eyes and ignoring you and yelling and all those stuff (well, here comes the tears). But anyways, our section became closer because of the cheer-dance. They even went to my place for a "visit" ehe (we also went to Tata's). We ate dinner together and started to get cheesy after the cheer dance. I wanted to share the video of our dance but *sighs* I have no access to the direct link. But anyways, I'm really proud of my section and my batch (#despitethetearsthatIshedbecauseofourlossbutit'sallgood         #thankyoutoeveryonewhocongratulatedusforIdunnowhat)
After all the solving and all of the mind-boggling items from Chemistry exams (LOL. Teehee?) I guess the  ice-cream, popcorn, cotton candy party was perfect. I thought I was really going to die of diabetes. We really enjoyed running around the field playing with Martin's uber-cool selfie-pod (IDK the name but selfie pod sounds good). Everyone went cuckoo (including me, ehe). My friends and I also went on a "not-so-road trip -road trip". We went to St. Paul's hospital to visit my dad's clinic (and play with the vending machine). We also ate lunch. I got a bump on my head too. Kirstie was kind enough to buy me a drink from Starbucks to double as an ice-pack. What I really didn't understand was the spelling of my name. Jeron? Really? Jeron what? Jeron Teng? HAHAHAHA. I had a really good laugh though. Thank you for the photos, Gelloine ♥

Check out our 15-second recap on YouTube: Click me!   and make sure to subscribe! (I might post videos this summer HAHAHA.Okay.)

That's about it (I guess). Be sure to stick around since I have got  lot of things up my sleeves for summer. Brace yourself because posts are coming.     XO, The not-so-evil Gerone Saquian 

PS: I'm really sorry :( *pats PC* (Now you pat back. Pat the PC!)

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