Sounds like a lot of hoopla!


Probably the best Intramurals I've ever had. One whole week of fun and laughter!

We had four tribes: Zuhoren/ Des Leben (Tribe A) , Luister/ Luwindig (Tribe B) , Aanhoren / Leven (Tribe C), Ascoltare/ Vita (Tribe D)

What I like about the tribes is that each is assigned with a vibrant color. You could just stare at the sea of colored shirts the whole day. This years Intrams was extended. We had the whole week of it!

We had our field demo on the first day. The performers got to wear costumes out of recyclable  materials such as plastic, bottle caps, old CDs and other stuff. It was colorful and quirky. It was a whole lot of fun since we get to be creative in making our costumes.

We danced under the scorching heat of the sun. We were sweaty and soiled but it didn't matter since we loved performing.



We all changed into our bright colored shirts after the performance. The different major and minors games started after a short while.

The second day was better. Most of the games started on that day, including mine. I felt numb and tensed. But then I thought to myself that it wasn't all about winning but having fun.


 The horror, I know


I had fun watching other ball games. I was in awe while watching others play. I never knew a lot of quiet learners could play so good. I was surprised, really. 


"We win some, we lose some", I get the point. It was nice to see smiling faces from people who won but it was amazing to see smiling faces from the defeated. It shows hope and perseverance to excel. It is always better to aim high. 


Day three. The day I dreaded the most. It's not because of the Badminton championship game but because of the Litmus Contest. I joined the Cooperative storytelling and I was petrified since all the contestants were dang good. We weren't confident enough but then we had to perform. We all did our best. We didn't care if we looked silly, all we wanted was to make the audience upbeat. 


Want me to spoil the results? Well, we won. Whoopee! 


I don't really know what to say about the last day since I wasn't there. Manang Millie , Erl and I had to go to Sportsville for the annual Dinagyang badminton cup. But then I sure do know that the closing was a blast. 


This year's Intrams is the best! Need I say more?

XO, Gerone 

Photos from Manang Shannon

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