
¡Hola Soy Gerone and I will be your photographer/ tour guide today! Follow me as we tour around North and South America. Vamos amigos! Gosh. Being a tour guide is no joke, I tell you. The heat, the annoying tourists who keep on asking questions (kidding, I love you all) , the music you have to compete with and the drying of saliva. Still, I love my job (confused, eh?)

So we have this project Sir Gerano gave us. We had to decorate our classroom to look like North and South America. The other sections picked Africa and Europe but I'll get into that later. 

We had two weeks to prepare and then things went back to normal. *Sighs* It takes weeks to make but minutes to destroy *weeps*.

I must say, we had progress. I was present since day numero uno and our efforts were very visible (well... except for some *cough*) 

We had different "attractions" such as the Panama Canal which is definitely my favorite of the bunch (I have to say this, I painted it) and the highlight of the classroom (HAHA). We painted  a long strip of cardboard and glued 3-D Styrofoam ships on it. I would like to commend the 5 people who broke my beautiful sailboat into half (picture above). Good job guys! Many thanks for making me glue them back together ,for I dunno, five times *thumbs up* (sarcasm not intended).

Let me just go through the attraction sites. 

Kirstie made the Empire State building and we helped in painting the windows (Many thanks to Anna, she painted very well). Donna and Jella made the curtains, the Walk of fame and the Obelisk. The Las Vegas sign and the Hollywood thingy was made by my lovely friend, Gelloine. Both of us + our dear classmated painted the stars and the skyline. Let me just go over it at the end of the post, mkay?

Oh and we wore Indian headdresses and we put face paint on
Let's start the tour, shall we?
Buenvenida America! 

This is Ruth. She's our official class model (pronounced as "muh-dul"). She flaunted her leprechaun green tube on the red carpet.
So this is the flow of our tour. The tourist and the judges are greeted by the "Indians" outside. Then Anna knocks on the door three times (yes, three times) then we take several pictures of them as they pose on the Walk of Fame. Then cookies, nachos and burgers were given the moment they step into the room. The tour then starts. We took pictures of them as if they were real tourists and they seemed to love it.
Some of our batch mates and teachers went inside as well. It was a blast *kaboom*.  The winner was then announced. First place *drum roll* YEAR III- ST. PAUL! (us) We had a party in the USA (literally).

We got vain and took several photos since we had none the whole time. Hey! We need evidence ya know!
We fixed the place and did the unity dance to put the pole back. Too bad it wasn't on tape though. 
*Wanna read the fine print?

*Many thanks to:

  • Donna for being so patient , so hardworking and for being such a great Vice President
  • Jella for offering her house as a venue for the making of props, printing the info, and saving the music
  • Gellaine for exerting a lot of effort in making the Las Vegas, Hollywood signs, Bandaritas, Flags etc.
  • The boys (Jaz, Leon, Martin ) for staying late and for helping in the clean up
  • Ali for the animals
  • Dianne for the data, the flags and the bandaritas
  • Kirstie and friends (Bea, Faye, Anna) for the building
  • Teachers (esp. Mrs. Ramirez) for helping
  • Other classmates 
  • God ♥

Adios Amigos!

Thank you so much for the pictures, Gell

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