ERROR 24601: Late post 

"Well it's about time!". Yes, I know... I'm sorry. This post came in late. But hey! At least I made an effort, right? Right?

I guess you all know that we had our annual Playfest weeks ago. I have about, I dunno, over a thousand of photos of the different plays of the different year levels and I don't want them to go to waste. I posted a couple of albums on Facebook. (seesh, waiting for 'em upload is just a pain in the ------ GOTCHA!) Right now, I'm just going to focus on OUR plays (by OUR, I meant St. Paul's). We staged 'Impeng Negro' and 'Much Ado about Nothing'. Don't worry guys, I have a lot of photos on Facebook of the other plays. Just go and check 'em out.

Oh... and, make sure to reach the END of this post *wenk wenk*

Playfest photos are very MEME-able.
 But I don't want my face to be MEME-ed though. I'm serious.
 I did Anna's makeup xD YAY!

The endings are always the best!


PS: Photo credits go to ♥Manang Sha, ♥Bea L. and ♥Faye T.

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