Welp! Since only six of my readers joined the giveaway, this is probably the best time to close it. I'm sorry, errbody! But hey! Thank you for joining!  ( Now I REALLY know who my loyal readers are :* HAHA).  So here it is....
So yeah, I used this random name generator, and guess what? Bea won! BEA! You're lucky I'm not famous YET. HA! Just kidding, Bey. Just claim it first thing in the morning before I change my mind and give it to Faye or Gell :)) WEEEE CONGRATULATIONS. As for the other participants.... Awww don't worry. You could still make one! It's easy (or is it?). You all deserve some virtual hugs *hugs*. 
As for the 'spread the word' rule... Yeah. You guys really ARE the best. *waves foam finger* 

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