

Nicole ♥, my stunning friend,  tweeted the most delightful tweet ever. 


This is the sweetest thing I have ever heard of coming from her. You see, if you share my blog to the world, I would most likely be on cloud nine. Better yet, I would be having a giveaway. Well, how about that? I'll explain how later. 

If you have noticed, I've made some changes with my blog. I've added more "buttons" to it.


I've added these buttons for you dear readers so that you could easily navigate my old entries with these categories. 


I've also attached a search box , for you to easily find posts of mine, and a subscribe area. By clicking subscribe button , you will be easily updated automatically.


I placed a "labels" area for you to click on when you want to read posts that have similar categories. 

 Yesterday, I have found the most shocking thing ever. I checked my blog statistics and I was startled when I saw this...


Is this true? Are they're really readers from UK? I had that puzzled expression. I'm still unsure if this real or not. The answer is still a mystery. If you are from another country and you're reading this right now,  please do comment since I am really freaked  out right now.  

Okay, now to the instructions...

1. go find the button where it says "tweet this"
2. tweet something nice (LOL)
3. mention me (  but first, you must follow me: )
4. that's it 

XO, Gerone

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