What's in the bag?


What's the hullabaloo? I'm not talking about Sir Gerano's favorite line, I'm talking about this week's hoopla. Want me to do a recap? 

Last minute script rush with my dearest Stacey. Auditions for the role of Sadako ( Chill! I'm not referring to that hideous girl from the well). Quarter test results which are too shameful to talk about. Try-outs for PRISAA badminton.

This is the best week ever!*  *IN SARCASTIC TONE
 About that last thing, Badminton try-outs. I love badminton, it's the easiest sport! The only thing that's not-so-good about it is the bag. It's so huge and heavy! They have been teasing me that a body could fit in there and that it's bigger than me. It's kinda true though but it sure is spacious!

The bag has lots pockets and zippers where I could store my things. I usually carry a lot since I want to be 'prepared'.

 A bit messy isn't it? Trust me, it gets worse after carrying is from one place to another. 

I usually bring three rackets when practicing with my brother and two when having tournaments, just in case the other one gets broken.

 I also bring a handful of shuttlecocks.

I would carry a bottle or two of water, some chocolates ( so that I would be hyper) and bananas (during tournaments) for hydration. 

 I wear these comfy sports shoes during training and change in flip flops afterwards.


I bring face towel and extra shirt/s if I get real sweaty. 

  XO, Gerone

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1 comment:

Shannon said...

BAdminton bag ko ya puno basura :))

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