October wishlist


I've been making 'wishlists' for the past two months. I've been saving photos of the things that I dream of having in my iPad and staring at them during my idle time like a complete idiot. I've been trying to save money in order to purchase them but I'm having a hard time especially with  these "chits" around. But I must say, these wishlists of mine are quite effective!



My dad bought me a leather backpack from Accesorize in France just a couple of weeks ago. My mom bought me two packs of munchies and some clothes.

Moving on....

Most items from my wishlist are vintage and quite hard to find here in the Philippines

 1. Mason Jars
These aren't your normal pickle jars. These jars are vintage and are hard to find. What to do with these jars you ask? Lots!

2. Leather oxfords
I've outgrown my old ones so I need a new one. Teehee!

3.Vintage frames
I'm planning to buy one for my room for some accent.

4.Vintage luggage
Eva gave me one printed with the Statue of Liberty but I want more. This could act as a decoration or a place where I could stash my junk in.

5. A leather satchel
I don't want those new satchels be bought in department store. I want those rustic-looking ones that could bought at local thrift stores for a very cheap price.

I hope I could find even just a single item from this wishlist of mine .

XO, Gerone

Photos from We ♥ it

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