Cheers to us!


It's our family "tradition" to bunch up and eat together before the New year. I mentioned before that we are huge fans of superstitious beliefs. We would wear red for luck or something dotted for prosperity. Yadda yadda! Here are some photos of our little gathering.

 Vanity. It runs in the family. This is my grandma by the way. 

 it's us with Nanay! (she doesn't want to be called Lola , she said she feels old when we do. OA! Hahaha!)

My cousins, Polo and Bernice, with Nanay.

1st frame: My mom
2nd frame: My aunt

What's cookin' ? Juicy steak and Baked pink Salmon. Delish!

Hungarian Sausage, Spaghetti with meatballs (for long life) , Salad, Baked pink Salmon, Liempo = Bloated

and we had Dad's Buko lychee for dessert.

We took A LOT of photos after we ate. Nah, we are not that vain *sarcastic tone*


My family! Oh, and Saab too :)

Let me introduce them one by one (with their names)

Bernice, Polo, Tito Vern, My dad (Jeremy) , My sister Gillian , Me , My brother Erl (he appears in most blog posts) , My Aunt Geraldine , My "Nanay" Gilda, My mom (Antoinette)


 We wore these glasses that lit up.

My sister and I took a few shots. Don't laugh!

 I made a red party hat for Saab. Cute

Erl and his crazy antics XD

♥ Gerone

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