New Year's Resolution and Wishes


I don't really think this resolution thingy would last any longer but it's worth a try! Besides, I did say that I wanted to become a better person *wink*.

1. Obey my parents more

- You see, I'm that kind of daughter who's lazy. When I'm asked to do something , I would reply in a monotonous "Wait, Mom" with a hand signal like this :

That would last about a minute or two before I move my butt.

2.  Study, study, study

-Don't get me wrong, I'm not your stereotypical bookworm or a grade conscious type of girl. Well, I just want above average grades but not to the point of crying over a test paper with a grade of , let's say, 90 %. I just want to read more and improve my study habits, that's all.

3. Eat more!

- Some of you might lessen your food intake but not me! I'm thin. If I won't eat, where would I get my energy from? But I can't just shove anything inside my mouth, I have to eat healthy food. That's my next resolution.

4. Go green!

- I don't mean that cliche environmental slogan. Vegetables! That's what it is. As much as I dislike veggies, I have to eat them. They're healthy but not tasty. 

5. No more cussing!

- Swearing is not my forte. I only swear when I get mad, surprised or if accidents occur. But I have to quit it, as much as possible.

6. Avoid Gossips!

- Admit it! We girls couldn't just help but huddle and talk about someone or something. It's natural but it causes too much chaos.

7. Pray more

- You get the point. I don't really need to elaborate.

8. Lessen the use of internet

- Yes :(  The internet is a huge distraction from studying but it doesn't mean that I'm going to quit blogging. No, just no. By the end of the month I might be holding my iPad and babble "no!I musn't !"
or  "It's impossible *slides to unlock* 5 minutes, I promise".

9. Be responsible

- Finish my assignments, pass projects, clean my room. Yadda yadda yadda!

10. Remind Nice to eat lunch

- She doesn't eat lunch. I mean, how could she even survive? I get furious when I don't get to eat. True! Ask Pat , Kirstie or Nicole.

1. Good health

2. Good grades

4. Success in my parents' practices

3. World peace! (cheesy)

XO, Gerone

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