Currently Crushing
I guess you're quite puzzled about this entry of mine (or not). But still, I'm here. Writing. Posting. Breathing.
I am pretty sure you know these guys right here. They're the geniuses who brought you Viva La Vida, Yellow, The Scientist and Paradise. And yes, this post is about them (well, about their new music video, really). So let me introduce to you (L-R): Guy Berryman, Chris Martin, Will Champion, and Jonny Buckland.
Remember when I wrote a post about The Beatles waaaay back in 2012? Well, I'm doing another one... for Coldplay. You see, I realized that I might never get the chance to see The Beatles live, complete and young (DUH! I could've thought about that four years ago, but I was reaaallly confident that the time machine was done by then... Oops), so I diverted my interest into a not-so-young English band who was just as awesome as The Beatles... not comparing them, though. And don't get me wrong, I never stopped loving The Beatles.
Anywho, Coldplay reminds me so much of them. They're fun, unique and their music is very VERY moving. It just so happens that they have a new album and are currently on tour.

(click here to check out ' A Head Full of Dreams ' ) I'm actually HOPING (wanting, dreaming, waiting) to see them live...if the Universe permits. There are rumours about a concert happening here in the Philippines and I can feel it in my bones that indeed there will be. I've got my fingers AND toes crossed. I'm planning to drag my sister or my dad into this. Or I could go alone. Who knows, I might see you there. We'll see what happens (*dying inside*).
They released ' A Head Full of Dreams ' last December and it was smashin'! The songs are quite different from the Coldplay approach we all know but they're still ~amazing~. My favorites from the album include Everglow, Birds, Army of One, AOAL and Up&Up (more about that for the next 13,000,000,000 hours... kidding) but let's face it, everything from the album is glorious.
The first music video from the album that they put up on YouTube was Adventure Of A Lifetime. They were apes in the video. Kind of like Dawn of the Planet of the Apes... the musical. Hahahaha. Okay. The video was great but the making of the video was even better . This song is everywhere. When I went to Europe last May (might write a separate entry about this or might not. Depends) , this song was playing in EVERY corner. I'M SERIOUS. I know, I sound like I'm mad or something but ... uhm... it's quite embarrassing for people to see you lip syncing through the song while walking the streets. Not cool. HUHUHUHU okay okay stop. After the music video for AOAL was released, Birds followed through. Then the video for Hymn For the Weekend was next which was *phew* beautiful. Beyonce was in it and the whole band too. 'Nuff said. Wait. Did I mention that Chris Martin looks super fine in the video? Dayum.
So yeah, anyway... After Hymn For the Weekend became massive, Up & Up was next in line to wow the viewers.
It's given that Coldplay has best music videos. Biased, maybe. Undeniable, yes. Among my favorites are Strawberry Swing (which is in stop-motion), Violet Hill (which is very odd and entertaining at the same time), Yellow (it's basically a staring contest with a very good looking guy), A Sky Full of Stars (Biceps. Confetti. Biceps.) and Charlie Brown (major chills here).
Well now that Up&Up is, well, up. It climbed it's way on top of my 'favorites' list. Here's why:
1. It's a moving collage, basically - I don't know if I make any sense right now but let me put it this way: you see those Tumblr. collages that are #aesthetic? Yes. Imagine those collages in motion. Isn't it awesome?

2. You can't stop yourself from taking screenshots of the clips - Yes, I took these screenshots. Yes, I have more here. No, I won't show you everything. You see, the video is soooo vibrant and goes well with the music. It's like the clips we're made for Up&Up and Up&Up was made for the clips... They compliment each other, that's what I was trying to say.
3. It's a dream come true - The video gives you that feeling that you're in someone else's dream. That "someone else" could be an artist or someone who's just really darn creative. Either way, it's a dream come true. Clips showing anything space-themed remind me of my dreams. There you go, welcome to my strange mind.
4. Giant band members - Bigger. Better. Bolder. AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!! Again, ladies and gents , a dream come true.
5. Real talk - Up&Up isn't only visually pretty, it also focuses on modern day issues like war and politics. You would see various clips showing refugees and drilling platforms. It goes well with the message of the song.
I hope you enjoy the video because I really did. "Amazing" is an understatement, so let me put my appreciation in a photograph: