Pisa + Florence


It was our last morning in Rome and we were headed to Pisa. We woke up early since we had to ride a train going there. But before going to the Roma Termini, we had sips of coffee first. You see, we've been enjoying these free cups of Lavazza coffee everyday. Our hotel had this coffee machine and it was pretty awesome.

We had a long train ride going to Pisa. The only reason why we went there was to straighten the leaning tower (no joke). 

While riding the train, we were already planning on what to do with the tower. If you look at our pictures, you could see that we were very very unprepared *wink* *wink*.

After "straightening" the tower *wink* we had al fresco lunch at this restaurant. We ate Quatro Formaggi, Pizza Pomodoro, Pizza Margarita and pasta. The pasta was kinda new, it looked like cheese puffs and it tasted different. The pasta was made by potato. 

After having lunch, we went back to the train station. We had another train ride going to Florence. When we went down the train, it was a bit chilly. We had to go to our hotel to check in. I changed into my jeans since the coldness was unbearable. We then headed to the Duomo Firenze. 

The Duomo was beautiful but we weren't allowed to enter it and I have no idea why. We We went around the area since a lot of stalls and stores surrounded it. My mom and I bought new boots. 

We went to see the Statue of  David as well (hee hee). We went to the Ponte Vecchio bridge. The bridge was kinda different than other bridges since it had shops around it (double thumbs-up!).  While looking for a good restaurant, I noticed that my bag wasn't with me anymore. We had to retrace our steps. We found it at the shoe store where we bought our boots. 

We had dinner at this fancy restaurant. The place was cozy and the food was great. We had gelato for dessert and I would rate it 7 out of 10 since the Roman gelato was better. It was still yummy though. We went back to our hotel early to get some shut-eye. 


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