KaBayanihan 2013


If you're a loyal reader of mine, you've probably seen a post about this last year. Yeah, it's an annual sort of thing. If you're interested, I'll put a link below. 

This year's KaBayanihan theme is.... wait for it.....

TAA-DAA! Like it? Made it myself. Oh,you know, editing skills and all that. Just kidding, I suck at photo shop. I just got lucky that it turned out, well, pretty good (hey, don't judge). So we had this Greek themed KaBayanihan and Percy Jackson fans were pretty juiced up about it (I'm talking to you, Nice). The LCB-A (that includes me and Nicole), sorted the learners from different year levels into their corresponding cabin. Each cabin had their own color and god/goddess. 

The learners were gathered in the CSC and met with their cabin leaders.

The cabins were given 15 minutes to compose a cheer. They presented their cheers in front of the judges. I wasn't really paying much attention during this time since I was taking pictures. I'm sure they had fun (or did they?).

After the cheering competition, we played this game called conveyor belt (by "we", I meant the learners. The LCB-A weren't allowed to join). Since they didn't know how to play the game, the LCB-A had to do a demo. All you need to do is to pick 15 people to lay down and roll in order move your "load". So we did the demo, and guess what? I was the load (the person on top) and we had to repeat it 3 times for them to get it. 

After recess, we assembled in the CSC. (Oh yeah, did I mention that we didn't have class?)  The cabins were given cloths and newspapers for the flag making activity. They were only given 30 minutes to make their flags. 

After letting the paint dry, they went inside to play "Human bingo". The game's easy. You will be given a certain trait and you need to let a person with that trait sign your bingo card. Once you complete the card, you yell "Bingo". It may sound a bit boring but I tell yah, it was pretty fun.

Oh and we had this other game called "Capture the flag". You basically have to protect your flag before someone from the other cabin steals it. Kinda like in the movie "Percy Jackson". It was pretty brutal. I have no pictures to show you since I was pretty chicken to go near them. Everyone seemed furious. 

Oh yeah. We had our second day for KaBayanihan. We had to rent a jeepney to reach there.

We spent half of our day in Gawad Kalinga. We brought paint rollers, brooms, gloves and seedlings.

We, the second year girls, painted some houses. It was pretty fun since everyone participated. 

The other learners were planting seedlings, telling stories to little kids and sweeping. 

 As for the boys, they were carrying sacks, mixing cement and molding bricks (?).  All I can say is everyone was pretty busy. 

 We went back to Assumption for lunch. I have no idea what happened before that since I was asleep. We had this very emotional closing ceremony in the afternoon. 

KaBayanihan =  AWESOME *double thumbs up*

PS: Gawad Kalinga photos aren't mine. Credit goes to Nang Shannon and Frank. Thank you! :D



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