
And I'm back with more material things that I can't have HA-HA. Oh yeah! I'm doin' it alright! Eight down, just two more to go. I want to apologize but this is actually great for you loyal readers out there. I'm just paying the price for my post-lags. 

1. Who doesn't want to have an awesome notebook? I know I do! This Crayola notebook is the bomb. The ink changes whenever you write on its paper. How cool is that? 2. ASDFJKL; huehuehue I really want to have this Yonex badminton shoes :'(  3. I'm a hoarder when it comes to sharpie. I have a huge collection of it. Heck, I need more. 4. I know what you're thinking, "Why does she want a jar?" Don't judge! This ain't just your ordinary jam jar. This is a Mason jar. It's VINTAGE! Vintage I tell you!  5. Have you ever heard of watercolor markers? If you don't then boo-hoo! You're missing out. 6.I have these pretty worn-out pair of chucks. It has dirt all over  and I have no plans of cleaning it. It's covered with mud and paint splatters and I love 'em. It's just sad that their end is near. 7. IDK I just want a Beatles shirt and I want to use it often. I'm thinking of making another DIY shirt. 


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