NANANANANA CATWANG!!! Hello there my little rays of sunshine! Aren't you all just the sweetest? Reading my senseless posts and all. I really do appreciate your loyalty. Really. Hang in there kitty, posts are coming at you. Entries will flower like rainbows this 2014. They will blind your eyes in the most delightful way and juice up your adorable little brains. Sounds yummy-- I mean lovely! Sounds lovely. Too weird for you? HAHAHA 'Too weird' is a lighter term for 'you're too chicken'. Chicken is good though! I like mine baked. Or or or fried. Greasy for your tummy. This post is going nowhere. It seems like my eerie (non-existent) writing skill is back to where it belongs... in my stomach. Yes, this is what happens when you leave a fifteen year old girl at home with nothing to eat but stale bread and left-over pasta from dinner. Parents, do not leave your child at home with an empty stomach or fridge. They WILL go completely bonkers. So let me tell you why I'm acting all crazy. My mom and brother went out to watch a movie. You know, the MMFF thingy is happening and stuff. I didn't want to go out since my butt is stapled to my chair. Thanks a lot, butt. Besides, I watched 2 movies already and the other one was not worth the wait. We went to 2 different malls and the lines were not moving. So yeah, I'm alone here. In my room. With no one to talk to. This is probably the longest intro I have ever done.  Without much ado about nothing (FUNNY! HA!) here are the photos that made my year GREAT!

We shoot lasers! How do you like us now? Yu-uh.
Oh you know, just the villain styling HER enemy's hair. 
Anna is really enjoying her pizza. 
I spit fire.
The leaning tower of PIZZA! HAHAHA. This is funny. I can't. I just can't. HAHAHA. This is how the 'Let's do the Gerone' started. 
 Hi five brothaaaa!!!
Just look at that footwork and grip! Dang! And that game face too. That, my friends, is the face of a champion. HA!
Oh, Kevin!
My first ever photobomb! 
PRISAA practices were crazy when these two were around. The thug life chose us. Yu-uh!



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