Hello there, music lovers! It's summer! You know what that means? Yes, skimpy clothes and parties (woohoo?). No seriously, summer means getting bored and sweating all the time. Well we'll have to change that. I know you're all hungry for something and it's definitely not food. You all need music. That's why I made a 'Music Menu'. (eh? eh?) Listen to 'em so we could fan girl together. (please?) Order up! 

1. Here Comes the Sun --   (click the name for the direct link -- I guess you already know how it works). This song's a classic. It's pretty legit for summer too. AND! George Harrison sang it. His voice is just Gorgeous. It's.... GEORGEOUS! HAHAHAHA (leave me alone). 

2. Whole Wide World-- Mindy is such a doll. Her songs are really catchy. Whole Wide World is perfect for long rides going to the beach or just for jogging. It's a good adventure song. You should listen to her songs. I used to listen to this song when going to school (especially on Mondays).

3. Classic-- MKTO is ♥ I just entered the fandom last January and I'm liking it. I'm looking forward to their new songs. MKTO isn't just for girls since their lyrics WILL haunt you. I'VE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH THE LAST SONG SYNDROME AHHH. Even my friend, Kirstie, got it. The lyrics are just -- *swoons*. YOU HAVE GOT TO LISTEN TO IT. The lyrics! The LYRICS!!!

4. Love-- American Authors released their new album entitled 'Oh, what a life' (I'm actually listening to it as we speak). Their new songs are as good as their old ones. American Authors are known for their famous songs such as 'Best Day of my Life' and 'Believer'. People please, THEY HAVE MORE SONGS! They're uh-mazing and I love them. You should definitely listen to their songs and fangirl with me. Then we'll go to their concert TOGETHER! That would be the 'Best day of my life' hahahaha (see what I did there?).

5. Thank You-- Yet another catchy song from MKTO. I'm speechless. 

XO, The Gerone Saquian 

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