Our English teacher gave us a project. We had to squeeze our 'creative-juice' and produce a stupefying autobiography. I must say it sounded really boring when he said 'autobiography'. I thought it would be all formal and stuff. Then he said 'creative juice'. Well, my light bulb went berserk and   ideas were overflowing. I wanted to have a 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' kind of feel so I bought a red notebook, some tape and printed Polaroid-ish pictures. I had a lot of fun creating my 'Adventure (Note) Book'. 
I wanted to leave the first page blank then I thought, "Not 'Gerone' enough". I decided to doodle the entire page. Hey! It's the best 'Gerone' thing to do. 
I wrote about everything. From my family, to my friends, to my adventures and to my dreams.
Yeah, I want to be an ophthalmologist just like my dad. (I pasted my face on to the photos... Hahaha? No? Okay) I also want to meet the American Authors and see The Beatles perform (Yes, all four of them. Impossible? I think not! I just need to borrow Harry Potter's Resurrection stone-- No. I'm not kidding.) 
Yeah ... just don't mind the last one. XO, The Gerone Saquian 

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