
If you're wondering "Hey! Where's the awesome post that I'm expecting?". Yeah, I totally feel yah. Sir gave us a task to make a movie analysis (boohoo! Kidding :)) So if you hate boring essays then feel free to click out. I promise, I'll post a "reader -friendly" post next week. 

Here it gooooes...

Journalism III Movie Analysis: The Gods must be crazy

The movie was all about the difference between the lives of the Bushmen tribe and the modern people in Africa. The movie expresses the culture of the people. How they live, the food that they eat and their practices.

It showed that the Bushmen were very simple, naive and gullible. They lived in straw houses and they would usually gather as a tribe and discuss things. They didn't have a form of ownership. They shared everything they had. They had no social classes and treated each other equally. They have well behaved children even though they aren't that strict to them. They hunt animals for food and apologize to the gods for killing them. Even though they lived a very simple life, they were happy and peaceful.

Their lives changed when they received a blessing from the heavens. A bottle of soda was thrown out of a plane. They were very gullible in thinking that it was a gift from the gods. They had many uses for it like in music, in pounding wood since it was strong and as toys. They then started to fight due to jealousy. They all wanted it. The tried throwing it back but it didn't work out so well. They thought that the gods were crazy. So the bushman decided to walk and find the ends of the earth and throw the gift. 

The lives of the modern men are very different from the bushmen's. We have the sense of time, technology and other good stuff. Unlike the bushmen, we don't have the communications we the gods. Culture shock happened when a journalist from the modern world volunteered to be a teacher in Botswana. She didn't expect to encounter hardships in traveling, sleeping , eating and dressing up. 

The bushman reached the parts of the modern world and didn't know how to communicate with the people. He would explain to them but he would just do something that leads to trouble. There was one incidence that he killed a goat and was sent to court. 

The whole point of the movie was to show how different our lives from each other are. The Bushmen were poor but they are rich in love and peace. They had nothing yet they seem to be happy about it. They have a life rich in faith which makes them happy and we modern people don't. The movie made me realize that we are too conscious of time that we would care less about other people. Unlike the Bushmen, we lack communication and love for each other. We tend to forget the things that would make us happy. 

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