
Salutations! Since I'm still waiting for Martin to upload the Immersion photos, I'll be posting about what I did last summer instead. I know what you're thinking ..."Ugh! Bo-ring". Trust me, it will be (HA-HA of course not! ). Just stick around if you want to, I'm not forcing you or anything (seriously, just read). 

I don't really want to say anything about this 'cause that would be just spoiling. I haven't finished posting about my vacation (I'm too lazy). So yeah, I went to Italy, Switzerland and France. I'll give more details about it next time (Sorry).

As soon as we arrived in the Philippines, we immediately had our Badminton training. It was really fun (and tiring). Our push-ups, leg raises, and chest raises (not sure how you call it, meh) increased each day. There was one point where I had to rest for about 3 days since my shoulder twisted. 

I had piano lessons every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (Bummer!). I have a new piece though :) It's called "Souvenir d'enfance". You could listen to it here

Warm Bodies!!! I've been watching this movie over and over again. A lot of people think that this movie's scary but trust me, it's not. 

No I know what you're thinking but you're wrong. MLP (that's short for My Little Pony) isn't that gay at all! Well, maybe a little. It's very fun to watch. They're not showing it here in the Philippines but I watch episodes on YouTube. I finished Season 1 and I'm almost done with season 2 as well. I don't really know why I love MLP. I just want to gallop around Ponyville and Canterlot and Manehattan! There are lots of guys who watch MLP too. We call 'em "Bronies". I think Bronies are manly (if that makes any sense). 

My favorite character is Twilight Sparkle. She's a unicorn who loves to read books.

I watch Adventure time... A LOT. I would watch it with my little brother. I learned to love Mondays because of it. There would be new episodes every Monday. Adventure time is a very weird show and I like it that way. I love their songs and the characters' personalities. I love Marceline the most. She's a vampire who loves to write songs. 

I love her song "Daddy why did you eat my fries?" listen to it here

I saw this Adventure time Princess maker online. I made a princess version of MEEEE! I put the unicorn horn on purpose because I'm a beautiful unicorn! 

I also made Hermione! Eeeeep! I love it :) You could make your own as well right here

I've been watching nigahiga, michellephan and thedominicshow on YouTube as well. I also like Paint.I've been listening to his song "After Ever After" over and over again. I kinda memorize the lyrics.

Watch it here!


Oh yeah, follow me on instagram. TEEHEE!!! 

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