
Boo! (By boo I meant boo and NOT boooooo. There's a difference)

November is near (tomorrow actually. It's nearer than you think) and it's the most hectic month of the year (that rhymes! Woah. That was unexpected). Soooo... if you won't see a lot of posts coming next month just bear with me. I'm going to be pretty stressed out. Badminton practices, play practices and quizzes :( But! I WILL post 'Shorties' though.

This is a new thing. I got this idea from YouTube vloggers. I think I even wrote something about this. If this post intrigues you then you should probably stick around. 

These random finds were actually bought months ago. I was planning to do a 'favorites' post last August and these were supposed to be the items under this category but my post didn't push through so I'll just place 'em anyway.  

I'm a sucker for awesome socks. I'm a SOCKer. See what I did there? I'm PUNny. HAHA. Enough. 

Anyway, so I bought these socks in Manila last August (I think) and I fell in love the moment my eyes laid on them. They are too darn adorable. I brought them both during the Bible Camp.

There's nothing really special about this category because you probably had one of these anyway. Meh. 

Cookie Butter - Who doesn't love Cookie Butter? I could finish a jar in a day. My dad just came home from Amsterdam last week and he bought like 5 jars of cookie butter. Now that they're all gone, mom has been hoarding them whenever she goes to Atrium. We just can't get enough. 

Munchies -  Heaven. That is all I can say. Nicole and I brought Munchies last Bible Camp. It was the only decent food that we ate. 

Bacon - I am unhealthy. If you follow me on Twitter the you probably know my obsession. I LOVE BACON. If I could just eat Bacon for breakfast, lunch AND dinner then I would. So greasy, so crispy , oh so delicious. 

I love listening to music. This is probably my favorite category.

Midnight City - M83 -- I've been using this for our videos. The intro is perfection. 

Pompeii - Bastille -- This song is my jam. The music video is a little bit creepy though.

Oh no! - Mindy Gledhill -- Mindy Gledhill is just lovely. She's such a darling. Her songs never fail to put a smile on my face. She would make a lovely unicorn. That's a good thing. 

Listen to the music - WOTE cover -- This song is very catchy and the music video is very creative. They did it again *swoon*.

Ob La Di Ob La Da - The Beatles -- I've been singing this in school. Kirstie would sing along too sometimes. It's too cute.

Ho Hey - The Lumineers -- *cries* I can't stop singing this song. It's.. It's ... It's Beautiful.

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I have no scary movies to show you. I know, I know, it's Halloween but I don't have a favorite scary movie. I mean, I watched Insidious 2 this month but I didn't see anything. I was covering my eyes the whole time.  

Warm Bodies -- I swear, if zombies would be as hot as R then I would be happy enough to offer my brain. This movie is just lovely. People keep on saying that it's a Twilight knock-off but they're wrong. It IS a better love story than Twilight. R is just adorable. He's gross but adorable. Do I make any sense? Bah! Whatever! Just watch it.

Ruby Sparks -- This is so not Halloween-ny but it's a great movie. A must watch.

Most of these are from my IG account. Follow me! (this is awkward).

1. My arm and Bea's leg  2. Cookie Butter  3. Song Lyrics 4. Oh gosh  5. My DIY shirt 6. My non existent water coloring skills  

These are the videos I've been playing over and over again.

Sh sh sh shower show -- Yes yes. I cannot stop.


Why Lamps?! - Ryan Higa -- I just love him!  This is the most creative video I have ever seen in my life. Really. This is so amazing. You should check out his BTS too. The BTS is equally awesome. HE has awesome written all over him 

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Lazy Halloween Costumes - NigaHiga -- This is hilarious AND helpful. He definitely rocked the Filipino accent at the last part. Watch the BTS too!

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Halloween Favorites - MichellePhan -- She's very creative and very cute too. She has loads of tutorials and this video of hers inspired me to make this post.


That's all! Happy Halloween! 



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