

I am so sorry for not posting last Sunday. But hey! Shorties are coming :) Woopeee! 

So anyway, November is the most hectic time of the year (yadda yadda) and I guess I'll just keep on posting shorties to keep you from getting mad at me or whatever. 

So... Here's my wishlist. I was planning to post this last Sunday but then quizzes and practices and stuff like that. I was like "Wheeew! Abort abort!" (HAHAHA what am I saying? Leave me alone)

1. New badminton shoes -- My parents actually bought me a pair yesterday in purple. Yeah. I should probably scrap this out of my list. 

2. Paper straws -- I'm obsessing over paper straws. Is that a bad thing? Nope. I don't think so. I got mine last Wednesday in pink and blue. Scrapping this out as well.

3. Keds + Taylor Swift -- Taylor Swift is such a doll. She's sweet and I love how she loves the 60s ( capisce? ). You see, I was meant to be born in the 60s. Why? Vinyl records, retro stuff, bikes, Twiggy (I love her ♥) and The Beatles. Yes! The Beatles. Anyway, the collection is just adorable. Need I say more?

4. Yorkshire mason jars -- I've been wanting mason jars. I've been obsessing over these jars but they aren't JUST your typical mayonnaise jars. These are VINTAGE and very difficult to find. So I checked out this little store on IG called "KitchencounterMNL". They sell mason jars and paper straws. I just had to buy. I HAD TO. So I told my friend, Eva, about this and she bought some as well. We received the package last Wednesday. I literally squealed when I opened the box. So yeah, scrapping this out.

6. Nerds Rope -- I remember eating this during the third grade. My seatmate would offer me some of these.

That's It! Goodbye, my lovely readers! 



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