
Welcome! Welcome! 

We just had our Bible last week and it was great. 

Here's what happened:   What you missed:

We were supposed to meet by 7 am but I just had to wake up earlier than ever. I woke up around 4:30 something. HAHA I got so excited. 

We were waiting for our other batch mates outside. We went inside our room to place our bags too. We were called to accompany the guests. Gellaine had this horrid experience so she let us do all of the 'talking'.

We had this Para-liturgy and mass at the CSC. The ACnistas were asked to sing. I (I repeat) I was near the microphone.  

We went outside for the 'Releasing of the doves'. Doves were released (What am I saying?).

We had  lunch at the St. Martin's court. The food was..uuhh.. I don't want to talk about it. I was full though. We had juice for three days. 
But hey! Lunch was EPIC. 
We went back to the CSC after lunch. We had this talk about the Bible. 

The different schools also prepared these 'animations'. We had to dance along. I LOVED IT! The dances were adorable and I couldn't help but groove to the music.

We were assigned to different groups for the Bible sharing. I dragged Gell along with me. We had our sharing as a group. The only person that was familiar to me was Gell. HAHA. We had ours at the green house. No one volunteered to read the Gospel so I did. I didn't even volunteer. I was just smiling at the nun . I guess she assumed that I wanted to read or something. We had to say the word that struck us the most and say something about it. 
My groupies' sharing were very good. I had my turn and it was a disaster. I don't want to talk about it. I covered my face with my hair the whole time.

Gell and I just laughed about it. We had about an hour before dinner. We went berserk and made a couple o' videos. Promise me you won't criticize us. We are normal too yah know! (sometimes)

Butt kicking ninja moves: --> Here <--  and  --> Here <--
Instagram video:  --> Here <--
We went back to the CSC after dinner. We had more animations (Did I mention that I LOVE the animations?). There is one animation that I love the most, though. It's called the 'Gummy Bear dance'. I've been singing it for days. I couldn't help it. 

We went to our groupings *sighs* again. But guess what? We had new friends! They were the ones who approached us. Two girls knew my name. The feeling was just 'daaw. I was like 'Aww.. You know my name'. BAYM! I made friends. I have about 12 new friends (I don't know their names though. Lol. I just bumped into them.). My groupies/ new friends were Aliyah, Mary (? or Marielle) and Nets. Yes, Nets. Don't ask why, just keep on reading.

We had this activity called the 'Friendship hour'. It was chaotic. I didn't even have the chance to talk to anyone. I just bumped into them. 

We also had this Taize (I think I got that one wrong. Basta!). I really wanted to snooze. I was stinky and I was sleepy. I felt horrible. After the Taize, we ran and got our shower stuff. We were too slow so we had to wait. We were so tired and we went all cuckoo ... again. I guess going bonkers is the side effect of not showering. 

Before that, let me just show you our 'place'. Just look at my sleeping bag. Totally rad isn't it?

 Watch more of our videos here:
1/  2 / 3 / 4 /

I have no decent photos of myself. I was behind the camera (except for the videos though). All I have are candid shots. Just don't mind the beard (credits go to nang Jianne for the picture). The bottom right picture was unintentional. We were just checking our eyes because it was red but Gell clicked the button. Thank you, Gell.

The waiting part was actually the best part. The shower part was ...uh... meh.

We woke up around 4 am the following day for the 'Dawn Rosary'. It was dark and spooky and we were walking while praying.We looked like zombies (and we smell like them too).  We had our candles lit and I promised myself to not blow it until we reach the school. But no. I was too chicken.  The wax was dripping and it hurt. Oh well.

I almost forgot, we wore our Bible Camp shirt on the second day.

This guy right here is pure genius. His name is Bernard and he has a golden voice. I swear, I really wanted to sleep during his talk but I couldn't. We were all interested. He even let us watch Miley Cyrus's 'Wrecking Ball' (the nuns were around). 

Kudos. Just. KUDOS.

We had lunch. You see, we have this routine. And -- Nevermind. Our routine is boring.

We had a Bible quiz. We were so tired.

We had dinner then yadda yadda. 

We (they) had this activity called the "Exodus walk". It was very relaxing. Anyway, OH LOOK! iPhoneception. HAHA. I had nothing to do.

We sang and danced the night away. We also had this fun game called..uhhh.. I don't know what it's called. Let's just call it 'Basketball shoot'. We lost. HAHA.

We waited for the people to shower again. We went BONKERS. HA HA. We let the swimming boards float away. Nicole counted the number of tiles and we waited until 12:00 am for Ena's birthday.

We had mass and it was celebrated by the Archbishop. We then concluded our camp.

 Faye dragged me outside. They had their picture taken with their new friends. I wasn't in it.

Bible Camp was great and this post is getting longer. G'BYE! SH SH SH SHOWER SHOWER!!!!


Gerone the camper

AssumptiON! Hahahaha! Get it? Because the lights are-- okay. 

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