
Scribble. This, by far, is the greatest post title I have ever made. EVER. So simple yet -- Yeah, I've got nothing. This is lame. So cliche. Hey! Don't judge the post by its title *wink*.

I would doodle. A lot. 

You should ask my seatmates. They would see me scribble stuff at the back of my assignment notebook all the time. 

I draw because I love to. That's the only way I could express my thoughts without using words (that was deep).


"What do you do when you're sad?"

I draw.

"What do you do when you're mad?"

I draw.

"What do you do when you're glad?"

I draw.

"What do you do when y--"

I draw.

See what I did there? Eh? Eh?

1. my "How to spot a hipster" drawing-- I got really bored during the symposium. 
2.  Pigtails -- Kirstie's messy hair. Yes.
3. Random dozing person #1 
4. Random dozing person #2 -- and some creepy dementors (haha. no.)

I call these my "rejects" or my dud doodles. They are pretty weird and senseless. I guess I was too bored when I made them. 

1. giraffe alien chap -- You see, I have no names for my drawing. I just make their names up.
2. Yes, rejects rule! 
3. Creepy lady -- uugghh. Ew.
4. More rejects

1. Yes No -- dilemma  
2. more junk
3. LSP -- Hahaha. I love LSP! 
4. This is what we look like every recess 

1. Random dozing person # 3 
2. Random dozing person #4
3. Random dozing person #5
4. Random dozing person #6 and #7

1. Junk
2. Creepy dozing zee -- not sure if she's a she or he's a he. And bacon.
3. More creepy junk
4. Fail mansion thingy -- Oh look! A dementor!

1. Creepy junk 
2.  Hahaha. Saaaliva.
3. My favorite page -- Random stuff  + random song lyrics = perfection
4.  Blue bird -- not so blue. Jess Penner's beautiful lyrics

1. Repeated a photo --whoops
2. random viruses -- They're cute.
3. My CAF book 
4. junk

1. Random lassie -- She's beautiful.
2. ...
3. Lazy hairstyles 
4. That's me

1. EYE don't know. *bad dum tss*
2. LIP me alone *hahahahuhuhu*
3. junk
4.  Dweebs

1. My to do list
2. When life gives you lemons.
3. Cartoon Gerone
4.  I'm wearing my DIY shirt. I don't high five either.

I have more drawings but I threw them away. If you see me holding a purple notebook and a pen, you probably know what's going to happen next.


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1 comment:

Jianne Nicolasora said...

So nice, Gerone! Keep up. :)

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