
WASHI TAAAAPES!!! Yes, washi tapes (I think washi tapes are from Japan since they really sound Japanese O.o) I dunno when the washi-tape-everything began but my good friend, Bea, introduced me to 'em. She brought several adorable looking tapes to school and I thought they'd be perfect for my next DIY project. (and well, you know me... I'd buy anything that's adorable and DIY-able -- Is that even a word?) She gave me a link to this Facebook page who sells lots of washi tapes and cool stuff. I ordered a few and as soon as they arrived-- TA-DA!!! A new DIY post that anyone could pull off! 

You'll need an iPod case (Well, phone case if you have a phone -- I don't), a pair of scissors, a craft knife and some washi tapes.
The steps? There are only two steps. I told you soooo. All you need to do is to cover the case with washi tape. Snip-off the excess parts and poke holes for the camera and for the buttons. SEE??? As easy as one , two and-- yeah! As easy as ONE and TWO. Stick, snip and poke! There you have it! Your very own washified iPhone Pod case. 
XO, The Gerone Saquian 

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