
I don't really know why I go bonkers when it comes to the world's greatest band in the 60's. I just started liking them last year when I randomly clicked one of their videos in Youtube which was 'We can work it out". After that, I've been regularly listening to their tunes. I've been bugging my friend to give me their CD's and magazines for Christmas. My obsession grew when we were assigned to make a presentation about them. I've been memorizing some lyrics naturally, which is really quite peculiar.


Oh nothing, just my Youtube history tab

I'm not alone though. Nice , my awesome and corpulent friend (peace)  is also a huge fan. We would randomly ask strangers if they know the the Beatles, and if they answer NO......


But if they would say yes...



Who is my favorite you ask? Paul McCartney of course! He's handsome (before) and talented. Fear not!  He's still good looking until now but very wrinkly. He's old but still alive. Ringo's still alive too but bald. As for those two, they're buried six feet under the ground. 




I have an album filled with their faces in my iPad 
..... no, I'm not addicted


I want this for my birthday. 

Oh goody! Apple McCartney , John Lemon , George Pearrison and Mango Starr flavored juice cartons! I could definitely finish these in a gulp.  

Some photos are from We ♥ it 

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