
Huzzah! Another post! Yes, that's how much I love you guys (All twenty of you). 

Let's just talk about the title picture thingy. So I asked my friend, Gellaine, to give me an awesome title for my album. I dunno, she's dang good at these stuff. I mean, "Awesometion"?! Baym! And let me just point out the photo (it's mine, BTW). Gorgeous isn't it? Yes, I know. No need to rub it on my face. I kid. I apologize. 

So we celebrated the feast of the Assumption last Thursday. We had mass at the CSC and it was so hot. I don't know but I really think that the CSC is one big oven. We were sweating the whole time. 

We changed into our PE uniforms after the mass and went to the fields. Remember what I wrote about the CSC? TRIPLE that. Plus! The scorching heat of the sun. Everyone was like

The games still went on though. We had a sack race which was hilarious. I mean, seeing them jump then fall is fun *plays Jump then fall by T. Swift*. I'm not being sadistic or anything but I must say... It was HYSTERICAL.

We also had a round of  "Palosebo" which is a Filipino game. What you need to do is to climb up this long bamboo stick covered with oil and get the flag. It's not easy. The players had a hard time.

We postponed the other games since it was too hot and we were hungry.


Read the fine print!

PS: I might be posting an entry about my different artworks. WEEEEEEEEE. Bye. 

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi what do you use in editing your photos reply asap

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