
Rejoice my royal subjects! For I shall bombard you with blog posts! 

*sighs* Our beloved Journalism III teacher, Mr. Gerano wants us to post 10 entries. And guess what? It's due tonight! Now how am I supposed to make 10 entries in just one sitting? How? Easy peasy! Pictures, of course. Lots and lots of pictures. Well, Sir Gerano IS bombastic, foaming at the mouth, hitting the roof, suicidal, homicidal, and he is MAD. In some cases, he's simply *cough* nuts (he said so himself). But we all love him (I have to say this, I need plus points). 

IG is a "thing" right now. I just started last March and I have 298 followers as of the moment (I'm not trying to brag or anything, I'm just simply telling you *grins*). It's pretty cool. So far, I have 85 photos (now would you look at that?!) . I would post once in a while. I'm fond of taking pictures of sceneries, inanimate objects, food, dogs and my friends. I have never EVER posted a "selfie". Oh gosh. I'm not that narcissistic (weeeellll, sometimes). 

"Hashtags" are overused as well right now. A simple picture of a cookie could have a simple caption like "I baked. woop!" or "chocolate chip, SCORE!". But no, it doesn't work like that anymore. 

The thing is, IG is fun but DON'T overuse hashtags. (kidding!I use em a lot heehee)

#Adios #bye #ciao #arrivaderci #must #post #more #entries #or #else #sir #gerano #will #kill #me #oh #no #I #need #to #breathe #TA TA #for #now #follow #me #on #IG 


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shameless plug? :)P

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